Theatre Thriller

Ettlingen (Rg).

Date: 11th March, 2020
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Crime Scene: Kulturhalle Remchingen
Actors: American Drama Group Europe
Witnesses: Forms 12e and 12f, HBG-Ettlingen
Case: Tom Franklin’s compelling crime novel Crooked Letter Crooked Letter,
where fate intervenes to ensure the crossing of paths…
Testimony: Great! I liked it, one could understand the actors very well. It was good!
It’s amazing, how convincingly they acted the roles, even the car. Very good!
I’m glad I saw the play, it’s good revision!
Final Speech: In accordance with the overall topic of “the ambiguity of belonging”,
the main novel for the English Abitur was brought to life. Persuasive acting as well as the important key topics immersed in Mississippi flair - what better way to refresh one’s memory?
Verdict: Altogether a most interesting and entertaining evening!

Kultur macht Schule - HBG Rockaustauschkonzert
24. 01. 2025, 00:00h
Zeugnisausgabe 11.1; 12.1
31. 01. 2025, 00:00h
Unterrichtsbeginn 11.2; 12.2
03. 02. 2025, 00:00h
Fächerwechsel BK/Mu Klasse 10
03. 02. 2025, 00:00h